Monday, October 1, 2012

Countdown to 30...

As I sit to write this, I'm terrified... To see countdown to 30 right there in black and white is daunting. I guess what's scaring me is that I feel like I'm having an identity crisis. That makes me chuckle a little but I am. I've been freaking out about turning thirty for months now and I think I can finally articulate why: I had this long list of things I wanted to have done/accomplished/experienced before this time in my life.

That saying "Want to make God laugh - tell Him your plans" is going through my head.

I bet he's laughing pretty hard at me right now.

Don't ask me why I can't just sit and be content with where I am in life. To help me be content, I have challenged myself to make a list of what I have gotten to experience so far. It's a nice reminder to focus on what I have done and not on what I haven't done. That being said, there is one thing I haven't done before 30 that I've tried to do a million times: complete a fitness challenge.

So today, October 1st, I began the 30 Day Shred. I've done the beginner workouts a few times before but never stayed with it long enough to get past workout 1. That changes now... Day 1 is completed. It wasn't easy but I did it. The hardest part was the emotional obstacles I put in front of myself. I know that I need to quit "shoulding" all over myself. It stops today.

The countdown starts - I have 30 days to complete this goal. And dangit, I'm going to do it!!!!

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