Tuesday, February 16, 2010

::insert clever title here::

Well, I've had this blog now for over a week now and I've only posted one thing... maybe I should post another huh? Here goes nothing!

I'm through Week 1 of my Couch To 5k Training plan. So far, so good. Talk to me in a few weeks and we'll see if I'm still as optimistic! lol The 5k is at the end of June and my Dad might be out here then. That's an added bonus for me wanting to do it - how cool would it be to have my dad there when I cross the finish, in addition to the rest of my fanclub who'll be cheering me on? He has been one of my biggest supporters in my "I hate the scale" journey. He did weight watchers and lost a TON of weight. Talk about being an inspiration for me! :)

I spent the afternoon yesterday at my sister's house while she did my hair. My nephew had me laughing the whole time. I can't believe how fast he's growing!!!! He's 18 months now and LOVES everything!! If you laugh, he laughs. If you do the Hoky poky, he tries to do the Hoky Poky. He talks a ton - even if you can only understand a few words here & there. When I walked in yesterday he said "Hi Nah-nah!!" We think maybe it's his word for Auntie? Dunno... but it was cute!!! Yeah, he's a hoot!!!

Not much else to report in the world of April.... check back though!!! Something cool might happen!!! lol

Thanks for reading :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad your dad is going to get to come out and see you! Good luck to you on your training.

    And when do I get to see pics of your new hair?
